Wednesday will be a great day for America - James Traficant will be free at last. Convicted of petty corruption that would make him look like a saint compared to his fellow members of Congress, he was railroaded out of Congress on a 420-1 vote. Traficant was one of the last truly genuine members of congress and actually seemed to give a damn about his blue-collar constituents, unlike most of the faux-populist liberals who dominate the party today but are in the pocket of cultural leftists, corporations, and special interests.
Bibi Promises Resumed Genocide after 42 Days
Thanks David Martin. Mike Whitney
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1 hour ago
Those are some pretty good videoes. I have to admit that I had never heard of James Traficant until he was about to leave prison. He impressed me with his great interview on Greta Van Susteren's show where he took on AIPAC.