Shocking news here. After wasting billions of dollars, 800 American soldiers dead and thousands more wounded, there is absolutely nothing positive coming out of Afghanistan. Our Nobel Peace Prize President is committed to sending thousands of more troops and wasting billions of more dollars on nation building. Have we learned nothing from our failures or the failures of the British and Russians to subdue the Pashtuns?
Who do you support in the 2012 Republican Primary?
Exercise your first amendment rights!
Please do comment. Even if you disagree. As Thomas Jefferson said, "An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry."
How the US Uses and Abuses Latin America
On January 10, 2025, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) posted a $25
million reward (up from a paltry $15 million) for information leading to
the arrest of...
New York Times to Biden—Time to Go!
When President Joe Biden retired in Rehoboth Beach on Saturday night, he
likely did not expect to find a severed horse’s head under his bed covers.
But t...
It appears that we have indeed not leanred anything, nor does your average American seem to even care.