Rudy Giuliani - Space is becoming a breeding ground for terrorists!
John McCain - We must give the illegals on Mars a path to citizenship!
Hillary Clinton - There are too many uninsured on the Moon!
Barack Obama - The Martian stimulus is working!
Al Sharpton - We must crack down on hate crimes on the Moon!
Sarah Palin - I helped get the rock pipeline from Pluto to Earth built!
Christopher Dodd - The collapse of Goldman Sach's moon bank could ruin the entire intergalactic financial system. The government must act!
Ron Paul - Mars is rapidly descending into tyranny and becoming a police state!
Mike Huckabee - I've always been a strong defender of Jupiter's ring cult and its values shape my political thinking.
John Edwards - There are now two galaxies, one for the rich and one for the poor!
Bill Richardson - As Emperor of a border planet I understand the issue of intergalactic immigration and trade.
Tom Tancredo - Lets nuke the moon.
Dennis Kucinich - We must protect the terraform environment on the moon from degradation and stop climate change by using peaceful means to disarm the sun!
Alan Keyes - Barack Obama was not born on Earth but on the planet Crypton, Where is his birth certificate?
Ralph Nader - Our space rockets are unsafe at any speed!
Al Gore - The Martian polar ice caps are melting!